Saturday, 6 September 2014

News Update!

Hi, I'm Francine, your new host at RRM.

First let me extend a big Thank You to Suzy who started this blog from scratch! And please extend heartfelt commiserations, as I do, in her recent loss of a loved one.  
I joined Suzy as a reviewer in the earlier phase of RRM as did Liza (a young lover of chick-lit novels) Nigella (a historian), a fellow journalist of Suzy's (Charlotte), and then along came Katie, Lorraine & Persephone. 
From Suzy's previous world at News International, Suzy thus stepped easily into the author sphere of books and that of up and coming new authors. Her ethos was to support Kindle Direct Publishing, and of course, authors who were signed up with small press publishers.  I think she did a grand job, and if I can do half as well, I'll be a happy bunny.
Unfortunately Suzy and I have encountered one major blip in the transfer of this blog to my blogger platform. The original admin facility has ceased to function, so we can't switch it from one to the other. Nor can we add authors to the direct post facility. However, Suzy did set up an email address especially for this blog, thus the e-mail portal is now mine and I have access to the blog. So folks, we're back in business...