Friday 26 April 2019

Mediaeval Novella.

Francine's impressions of The Last Plantagenet. 

The Last Plantagenet is a short historical time-slip read for fans of Richard III. The author has provided datelines from future to past and vice versa, therefore no confusion can arise throughout the story. Set within the precincts of Nottingham Castle, itself situated on Castle Rock, the protagonist Kate, loves nothing better than watching mediaeval re-enactment days, thus July 2011 is a War of the Roses day. A keen Ricardian at heart, Kate explores the castle never suspecting for one moment a mishap will occur, or that her contemporary world of re-enactment will morph into the true-life mediaeval existence of July 1485. 

It is one thing to study history and indulge the occasional fantasy, but when fantasy is suddenly reality Kate embraces it to the full until time leaps forward and the past is not entirely left behind. Back in the here and now of the 21st century, Kate embraces the future with secrets aplenty alongside a few treasured gems. All in all this is a delightful tale of romance, friendship, and of something lost in the past and something gained from history.