Saturday, 8 February 2020

17th century Swashbuckling Romance.

Reviewed by Francine.

Set in Devon (England) 1627, the reign of Charles I, the author presents the reader with a slow burn romance and swashbuckling tale of derring-do. Thus three brothers whose major skill is that as an acrobatic trio, their secondary skill base is carpentry which lends favour to their labour in exchange for coin. Whilst a young woman met within a tavern soon enlists Gabriel and his brothers’ to assist with a schoolroom, a trusting bond grows between Gabriel and Perspicacity and love inevitably blossoms. But as with all travelling troupes of entertainers’ opportunities arise and move on they must, and those left behind enact their lives as fate dictates.

By the time the trio return to Devon, great interest is shown in Gabriel and his brothers’ performances by a man of noble countenance which is somewhat baffling, until Gabriel learns of a wicked gut-wrenching deed by others. Hence, Gabriel and de Wolf have every reason to band together. Notorious Barbary pirates holding prisoners on Lundy Island are a force to be reckoned with in more ways than one. Not only do they trade in slaves they barter and trade over kidnap victims from rich family folds. Situated in the Bristol Channel the island is a natural rock fortress, the castle less so, but can Gabriel and de Wolf rescue the women they love from the island and survive to tell the tale? Enjoy!